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Abstract Topic: Character Education for Early Year Children

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Character Building in Childhood Through Story Telling About Folklore
Ana Mentari (a*), Nopiana (b), Hermi Yanzi (c)

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Ana Mentari

a) PPKN, Universitas Lampung
Jalan Sumantri Brojnegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng
Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
b) PGPAUD Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung
Jalan Sumantri Brojnegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng
Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
c) PPKN, Universitas Lampung
Jalan Sumantri Brojnegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng
Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia

The Indonesian nation must be built by prioritizing character development because this character building will make Indonesia a great, advanced, and glorious, dignified nation. The rapid progress and sophistication of technology now, which makes habits begin to be abandoned. Children now prefer to play gadgets and play stations rather than traditional childrens games, whereas traditional childrens games are not just games but also teach about many lessons such as practicing patience, cooperation, responsibility, tolerance, and caring among others. So it is necessary to plant characters early in early childhood, with the hope that good character can be well embedded early on. Character is not formed by learning in class, but it requires habituation. Through storytelling it is hoped that children will recognize, understand and be able to feel the values contained in the story, so good character values will be embedded in the child. The habit of telling stories or storytelling about folklore needs to be done at school, especially at home, so that communication between teachers, parents, and children can be established in instilling the character of children.

Early Childhood; Character Building; Story Telling; Folklore

Character Education for Early Year Children


Hikmah, Sofia Hartati, Yenina Akmal, Sri Koeswantono, Karnadi

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Hikmah Munawaroh

Jakarta State University

Children born in 2010 until now are Alfa generation children. The Alfa generation is in the midst of advances in information technology at the golden age. Alfa generation children from an early age are familiar with the world of technology and the internet, also known as the native digital generation. So that children who are now studying in playgroups, kindergartens and elementary schools today are alpha-generation children who are Karab with IT who are able to access and absorb various information. Besides school parents also play a role in the social development of childrens emotions. For this reason, a learning model that can optimize childrens emotional emotional abilities is needed. The social problems of children today are quite worrying, we can see from various media that lately shows the amount of violence and bullying that the perpetrators and victims are children. for that we need preventive measures that need to be done on children from an early age. Technology and information are increasingly developing so that it impacts on the swift flow of information that is easily accessed by children without being filtered so that it becomes a model and is imitated by children. schools today still focus on cognitive development and minimal application of social development and at home parents have limitations. A model of social emotional development intervention in schools is needed that involves collaboration with parents. This study aims to evaluate the application of emotional social learning models by involving parents. Based on the results of evaluations conducted at eight PAUD institutions in East Jakarta located in 8 sub-districts, the average success of the program was 85.87%. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the program can be implemented well and successfully

Social emotional learning model, parent involvement, early childhood education

Character Education for Early Year Children


Character Education in Dendang Saluang (Ethnographic Study at Early Childhood in Kawasan Saribu Rumah Gadang, Solok Selatan Regency )
Isa Hidayati, Kamtini

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Isa Hidayati

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to describe dendang saluang as one of the strategies to develop character of early childhood in Kawasan Saribu Rumah Gadang, Solok Selatan. This type of research is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Analysis of the data used is the Spradley model. The research data was obtained by observation, documentation and interviews. Based on the results of the data analysis, dendang saluang is traditional sound art by parents and teacher when their child going to sleep or when the child is playing. There are two types of dendang saluang are dendang saluang with standard lyrics and singing with free lyrics. Character values that exist in dendang Saluang include religious, Honesty, Discipline, Tolerance, Confidence, mutual cooperation, Respect and courtesy, Responsibility, Hard Work, Leadership and justice, Creative, humble, dan caring for the environment.

Character, Early Childhood, Dendang Saluang.

Character Education for Early Year Children


CHARACTER EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDREN (Program Evaluation at Ibnu Sina Kindergarten, Bandung Regency)
Taufik Mustofa, Rina Syafrida, Iqbal Amar Muzaki

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Taufik Mustofa

University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Evaluative research is conducted to find out the effectiveness of character education implementation in the context of input or improvement to PAUD organizers. As applied in Ibnu Sina Kindergarten, Bandung, which already uses a character education approach. This study uses an evaluation method with a qualitative approach. With the evaluation method the researcher is expected to be able to give an assessment of the implementation of the Character Education approach in Ibnu Sina Kindergarten which incidentally uses Character Education. The results of the research were allegedly able to provide the effectiveness of quality character education programs and quality, as well as being able to provide an assessment of the management of the program, the advantages and disadvantages of the implemented program. Based on the results of research conducted, it was found that the Approach to Learning Character Education applied at Ibnu Sina Kindergarten had a positive impact on learning outcomes and the progress of students development.

Education, Character, Early Children

Character Education for Early Year Children


Does pre-school education in Indonesia meet the quality standers?
Abdulkhaleq Al-rawafi

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Abdulkhaleq Ali Al Rawafi

Thamar University, Yemen
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Assessment of Early childhood education is essential in the sense that it helps teachers to understand the childrens developmental progress in learning and it helps caregivers to determine how well they serve a better education. This study is designed to observe and assess the preschool education in Subang, Indonesia to determine whether the Indonesian children receive a quality educational environment. There are five kindergartens participated in this study. The instrument consists of sixteen criteria, namely emotional climate, social interactions, skills development, discipline strategies, instructional activities, general, language, literacy, mathematics, science, interactions with parents, cultural responsiveness, safety, materials, physical arrangement, and adaptation for children with disabilities. The researcher carries out the observation and the assessment by using the check list ‘Yes- if the dimension meet the determined criteria and ‘No- if the dimension does not meet the criteria.

assessment, preschool education, quality standers, Indonesian education

Character Education for Early Year Children


Ni Nyoman Ayu Suciartini(a) I Nyoman Payuyasa (b)

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The purpose of this research is to explore and revive local wisdom, especially in Bali which can rebuild character education that is instilled by parents in their children from an early age. Character building can be done in various ways. This includes presenting literary works that are loaded with norms and character values. The literary work Bibi Anu is one of the songs that has strong norms and character values. For that reason the writer will analyze the things contained in this poem that can be used as character education early on. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection uses the documentation method. Data analysis techniques with data reduction techniques, data analysis, and data presentation. The results of this study are the meaning of the song Bibi Anu is a picture of a journey to seek goodness by strengthening round determination, without being influenced by negative things, and always holding on to wisdom. The message and character values contained in the form of self-awareness, honesty, discipline, humility, preparedness, independence, hard work, and wise. Presenting and functioning of this work completely in terms of solace entertainment, character building, and as a messenger of peace is an obligation for all levels of society.

education, character, poem Bibi Anu

Character Education for Early Year Children


ifina trimuliana, nurbiana dhieni, hapidin

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Ifina Trimuliana

Early Childhood Education, State University of Jakarta

Kindergarten Motik Ar-Rahman is one of our early childhood education institutions, known as the implementation of character education, in particular the establishment of the religious character of the child. This research is a case study that aims to determine the formation of the religious character of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Ar-Rahman Motik Jakarta, namely: a) the teachers role in the formation of a religious character, b) the involvement of parents in shaping the religious character. The study found that teachers and parents alike to work together in shaping the character of the child, that teachers play in providing an understanding of character values to children, and a figure that should be followed by children. While parents are the primary role of the formation of character for children in the home environment.

Religous character, Teacher Role, Role of Parents

Character Education for Early Year Children


Inclusive-Dialogic Religious Education: An Offer for Cultivating Multicultural Character Since Early Age
Aan Arizandy

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Aan Arizandy

CRCS, Gadjah Mada University

This paper specifically focuses on the concept of inclusive-dialogic religious education that can be offered as alternative choice to cultivate tolerance and multicultural character since early age. This model is based on experience-based learning that more emphasizes on internalization and reflection to contrive mutual respect among students. As an offer how to grow inclusive attitude in kindergarten, this religious education model is appropriately inseminated into two levels, namely structural level by elaborating necessary values into syllabus and material of religious education subject and practical level by contextualizing theory into social reality through observation and visitation. To implement it, this religious education model definitely requires teacher creativity, appropriate method, and stakeholder support as well. As methodology, this paper employs Critical Discourse of Analysis (CDA) approach. In this sense, I would argue that inclusive-dialogic religious education is able to be alternative choice to prevent intolerance and exclusive paradigm since early age.

Key Word: Inclusive-Dialogic Religious Education, Multicultural Character, Early Age

Character Education for Early Year Children


Internalization of Entrepreneurship Characters for Early Childhood in Facing 4.0 Industrial Revolutions in Yogyakarta
Ria Astuti,Muammar Qadafi

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Ria Astuti

IAIN Madura,UIN Mataram

Abstract: Indonesia is now facing 4.0 industrial revolutions in which almost all life aspects have used digital technology. A research by McKinsey on the last 2016 revealed that the impact of 4.0 industrial revolutions digital technology on the next five years will be the shift even lost of 52.6 million types of occupation. Therefore, everyone needs to prepare good characters, mentality and skill to actively engage in the competition. An important character to train to and internalize since the early time is entrepreneurship character. This is a qualitative research using descriptive approach and taking place in Yogyakarta. The subjects are determined using purposive sampling technique consisting of parents from various backgrounds of education and occupation as well as teachers in early childhood education institution. This research finds that it is very important to internalize entrepreneurship character to early children in facing 4.0 industrial revolutions. The character consists of leadership, honesty, generosity, discipline, responsibility, independency, bravery, skillful, creative and innovative. Meanwhile, methods of internalization are habituation, exemplary, telling story, playing game, watching movie as well as question and answer.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship Character, Early Childhood, Industrial Revolutions 4.0

Character Education for Early Year Children


Intervention "Stop, Calm, Talk" to Increase Self-Control of Children Age 4-5 Years
Andi Nur Zamzam Arman

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Andi Nur Zamzam Arman

Universitas Indonesia, Depok

The ability of self-control in children can support academic abilities, build moral of children and prosocial abilities with others around him. At the age of 4-5 years , children included in a friendship and are prone to have a conflict with their friends. If the child does not have good self-control in expressing emotions and motor skills can cause aggressive behavior towards others. So we need an intervention to improve childrens self-control from hitting behavior at the age of 4-5 years. The interventions that can be given are "Stop, Calm, Talk" interventions. This intervention will be taught in three days consisting of 5 sessions. Each session is about 20-30 minutes. This intervention aims to increase children-s self-control from hitting behavior at the age of 4-5 years . It is refers to three steps: modeling self-control to children, increasing childrens motivation to control themselves, and teaching children to hold their desires or think before acting.

self-control, intervention, children

Character Education for Early Year Children


Introducing English to Early Childhood
Sari Purnamawati, Heru Djoko Walojo

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Sari Purnamawati Purnamawati


Sari Purnamawati . Introducing English for Early Childhood through Dancing and Singing PP Paud and Dikmas Central Java. Indonesia. Abstract Introducing English to early childhood has been done by a lot of Early Childhood Education institutions. Yet, the teachers are lack of media and method to introduce English to the children. Teachers do not have many options of the method and media. They use the same printed media over again which make the teaching process become dull and the children become bored. Teachers needs other alternative media to introduce English to the children in a fun way. Children learn through playing, there for teachers need to provide interesting method and media to do so. By using dancing and singing, children not only become interested in the learning process but also received adequate stimulation for their visual, auditory, and motor aspect. Such dancing and singing will be more practical if stored in the compact disk (CD). The aim of the study is to provide a guide for teacher to use and implement the dancing and singing media; to provide an alternative media in introducing English to the children; and to provide interesting and fun learning experience for the children. Through three themes of dancing and singing which close to the children daily life, the teachers are able to develop or create various activities and media in introducing English to children. It also lengthen the range of concentration of the children. As a result, the children-s vocabulary is enhancing.

introducing english dancing singing

Character Education for Early Year Children



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The purpose of this study is to introduce children early on about the positives and negatives of reporting. From an early age, children must be explained with the truth about the purpose of a media in the news so that children are not trapped in hoax or hoax or even consume hoax as a truth. Early childhood children must be saved from massive exposure to hoaxes spread on social media. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data collection using the method of observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques with data reduction techniques, data analysis, and data presentation. The results of this study found that picture stories can be an effective media in introducing literacy to early childhood, especially literacy in utilizing social media and digital literacy. The impact arising from the results of this study is that children can analyze a news or news it receives on social media and can sort out information when playing social media.

literacy, media, early childhood

Character Education for Early Year Children


Model of Educational for Sustainable Development (ESD) Insight-Based Pre Literacy Learning Media
Sri Wahyuningsih,Sri Lilis Herlianthy, Susi Susiati, Rochaeni Esa G., Endin Suhanda, Riana, Edi Suswantoro, Dian Sudaryuni, Ujang Rahmat, Asep Subagja,Farhan Yamin, Arlina

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Sri Lilis Herlianthy

PP PAUD Dikmas Jawa Barat

abstract Model of Educational for Sustainable Development (ESD) Insight-Based Pre Literacy Learning Media Current environmental conditions are declining or experiencing degradation both in quality and quantity. This is in line with the increase in human activities in meeting the needs that tend to try to obtain the maximum benefit without regard to the preservation of environmental and social aspects. It is necessary to have a holistic understanding of the use of the environment in meeting human needs to always strive to create a balance between meeting needs with the preservation of the natural environment. Thus meeting the needs of the present can be met without reducing the quality and quantity for meeting the needs of future generations. ESD is a holistic approach that is not just a process of providing knowledge about sustainability or environmental issues, but, rather, the challenge of changing peoples mindsets and actions (Weber at UNESCO, 2012). This is what is meant by the mindset of thinking about Educational Sustainable Development (ESD). ESD mindset formation will be very appropriate if done from an early age because at this age a variety of growth and development begins and lasts, which will be the basis for further child development. The introduction of ESD from an early age is expected to provide understanding and build awareness of the surrounding environment from an early age, so that it will encourage the empowerment of children in interacting with the natural environment, social environment and economic environment. Pre-literacy is an important ability for children to develop the ability to interact with the natural, social and economic environment. The ability of pre-literacy for early childhood is done by preparing a literacy environment through various ways and various media that are interesting and in accordance with the principles and ways of early childhood learning. Therefore, ESD-oriented pre-literacy learning media are needed to build an ESD mindset early on through pre-literacy skills in preparing children for further education. The three pillars in ESD are packaged in a package of learning models for ESD-oriented pre-literacy series which includes: (1) Learning Media Love the Environment; (2) Economic Smart Learning Media Model; (3) Socially Smart Learning Media. Model package The learning media of ESD-oriented pre-literacy series consists of model scripts, story book media, motion media and songs, as well as ladder snake media games, which are equipped with guidelines for their use. Story book, motion and song media as well as ladder snake games are supplements for learning activities with ESD insight. The three media complement each other in building ESD-oriented pre literacy capabilities. This model is focused on children 5-6 year The development activities of this model trial have been carried out through two stages, namely conceptual testing and operational testing. The trial locations used were (1) Alam Pelopor Kindergarten in Bandung Regency, (2) PAUD Kartina Garut Regency, (3) PAUD Almarhamah, Cimahi City. Based on the trial results, the advantages of ESD-oriented pre-literacy learning media models are (1) enriching vocabulary mastery in children, (2) interesting and fun learning processes, (3) fostering positive characters related to the ability to interact with the natural, social and economic environment, (3) the availability of media for the preparation of a literacy environment in PAUD. Keyword : Pre Literacy, Educational for Sustainable Development

Pre Literacy, Educational for Sustainable Development

Character Education for Early Year Children


Muhammad Safri, dkk.

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Muhammad Safri


Abstrak: Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Sekolah Di Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter merupakan gerakan pendidikan di sekolah untuk memperkuat karakter melalui proses pembentukan, transformasi, transmisi, dan pengembangan potensi peserta didik dengan cara harmonisasi olah hati (etik dan spiritual), olah rasa (estetik), olah pikir (literasi dan numerasi), dan olah raga (kinestetik) sesuai falsafah hidup Pancasila. Untuk itu diperlukan dukungan pelibatan publik dan kerja sama antara sekolah, keluarga, dan masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental (GNRM). Budaya sekolah adalah nilai-nilai dominan yang didukung oleh sekolah atau falsafah yang menuntun kebijakan sekolah terhadap semua unsur dan komponen sekolah termasuk stakeholders pendidikan, seperti cara melaksanakan pekerjaan di sekolah serta asumsi atau kepercayaan dasar yang dianut oleh personil sekolah. Budaya sekolah merujuk pada suatu sistem nilai, kepercayaan dan norma-norma yang diterima secara bersama, serta dilaksanakan dengan penuh kesadaran sebagai perilaku alami, yang dibentuk oleh lingkungan yang menciptakan pemahaman yang sama diantara seluruh unsur dan personil sekolah baik itu kepala sekolah, guru, staf, siswa dan jika perlu membentuk opini masyarakat yang sama dengan sekolah. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam Penyelenggaraan Program pada Model Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter berbasis Budaya Sekolah pada Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini adalah sebagai berikut: a) Menentukan Nilai Utama Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) b) Menyusun Jadwal Harian dan Mingguan c) Mendesain Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) d) Evaluasi Aturan dan Tata Tertib Sekolah e) Pengembangan Tradisi Sekolah yang Dapat Membangun Budaya Sekolah 1) Gerakan Literasi Sekolah 2) Kegiatan pendukung (pramuka prasiaga) 3) Pentas Akhir Tahun dan Display Karya Anak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Model Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Sekolah di Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Depelopmen atau R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Sekolah di Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini memenuhi kriteria kevalidan, memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan berdasarkan data temuan pada saat ujicoba, guru dan pengelola dapat menerapkan Model Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Sekolah di Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, dan terbukti efektif dengan memenuhi kriteria berikut: (a) Ketercapaian Tingkat Pencapaian Perkembangan (TPP) untuk perkembangan sikap sesuai dengan indikator yakni 75% anak telah mencapai penilaian pada kategori BSH (Berkembang Sesuai Harapan) dan BSB (Berkembang Sangat Baik), serta penerimaan positif dari guru terhadap setiap aspek yang direspon. Artinya guru dan pengelola memberi respon sangat positif terhadap implementasi Model Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Budaya Sekolah di Satuan Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini.

Pendidikan Karakter

Character Education for Early Year Children


Planting Values of Characters in Early Age Children
Suryadi (a*), Akla (b)

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Suryadi Suryadi

(a) Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, IAIN Metro
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 15A
Kampus Iring Mulyo Metro Timur 34112 Indonesia
(b) IAIN Metro
Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 15A
Kampus Iring Mulyo Metro Timur 34112 Indonesia

A Character is an attitude that has been imprinted in a person and has become a habit in everyday life. A character can be used as a benchmark between good and bad. Goodness can be realized if instilled the values ​​of commendable characters. Conversely, it can result in badness if what is instilled is deplorable character values. Therefore, the inculcation of commendable character values ​​is highly recommended, even required to produce excellent personalities and moral mercy. The most appropriate and effective cultivation of character values ​​for early childhood is to use educational games, because the childs world is to play, and childrens play is a childs learning activity. Through educational games, children can play while learning to develop their potential and instill character values ​​in early childhood.

Character; Educational games; Early chidhood

Character Education for Early Year Children


Preventing Terrorism through Early Childhood Education in Indonesia: A Policy Analysis
Cecep Somantri (a*); Yohan Rubiyantoro (b)

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Cecep Somantri

a. The University of Nottingham, the United Kingdom (UK)
The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia
b. The University of Nottingham, the United Kingdom (UK)
The Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia

Terrorism prevention is often focused on adolescents, even though it is true that the use of children in terrorist acts is a global issue. Few studies do discuss the prevention of terrorism in early childhood, a critical phase or golden age that is instrumental in the formation of a child-s character. This research is a case study that is developed based on the emergence of nursery books in Indonesia containing radical words, such as "bomb", "jihad", "bantai” (slaughter) which have been the subject for developing the Anti-Violence Movement at School policy. It is a policy analysis that aims to provide critical input for policy improvement, which is especially pertinent given the lack of existing research on the subject matter in Indonesia. The data are analysed using Bell and Stevenson (2013) framework for policy analysis, which has four analytical themes concerning the translation from policy development to enactment. Based on the analysis, it is found that terrorism prevention through early childhood education (ECE) policy in Indonesia is vague in its meaning and objectives, as well as fails to define the basic notion of “terrorism” itself. The government expects the policy to be a community-led movement, but it turns out that the implementation is still characterised by a top-down approach. At the enactment phase, ECE centres see no urgency in integrating the policy with their centres vision and mission, because they believe that the policy will not last sustainably at its operation. Surprisingly, the government does not provide any specific training for teachers, nor the budget to implement the policy.

Indonesia; terrorism; early childhood education

Character Education for Early Year Children


Nindyah Rengganis and Dian Fikriani

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Nindyah Rengganis

ECCD RC Yogyakarta
Early Childhood Care and Development Resource Center
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

An inclusive classroom is not only about building respect towards children with special needs, it is also about building respect towards children with various background, including children with different religion. Every child, in this era of global interconnection, would benefit from learning about the religions in their community. By implementing interfaith education with pupils from different religious backgrounds, children will learn to critically reflect on their own thoughts and experiences relating to religious identity and differences and learn to interact with others on these matters. The implementation of interfaith education in ECE promote a dialogue between children and also indirectly influence their parents, where in the end this will build a more tolerance community. This research article comes from the best practice of interfaith education in ECE practiced in Labschool Rumah Citta. By qualitative method through documentation of best practices study, the result showed how schools can negotiate the tension between the demand from parents to develop their child-s religious identity where in the same time building a dialogue between children with different faiths. This article also will discuss the effects of interfaith education on children from majority and minority religions and how the interfaith education can reduce religious intolerance.

interfaith education, religious tolerance

Character Education for Early Year Children


Social Transformation in Early Childhood Education: Case Study in Widhatul Ummah Kindergarten Makassar City, Indonesia (An Educational Ethnographic Study)
Juwanita Sahid, Nurul Ilmi Idrus, Hamka Naping, Munsi Lampe

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Juwanita Sahid

Anthropology Doctoral Study Program, Hasanuddin University

The global idea of child education was declared through the Educational For All movement for the first time in 1990 in Thailand and then confirmed in the Dakkar Declaration in 2000. Crisis of globalization era such as low morale, the emergence of neo-imperialism, the weakening of nationalism, the emergence of hegemony. The study aim to examine in depth about the children value for families and PAUD (early childhood education) institutions and the process of socio-cultural transformation through the process of internalisation value to children. This research uses an ethnographic approach. Primary data obtained through in-depth interviews, and participant observation. The data analysis of this research was carried out as a qualitative analysis procedure, (1) data reduction, (2) categorization, (3) data interpretation. The results of the study that changes in the application of the curriculum not only on one "Islamic value" but also universal values through child-friendly learning nuances of "Islamic", adopting a model of learning centers (European products) as well as the application of the 2013 PAUD curriculum in accordance with national education standards. Nine indicators of basic values of Islam internalized to students involve the three pillars of education (parents / family, educational institutions and the community / environment), synergy and influence each other. There are supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing Islamic values in TK Wihdatul Ummah. There are six forms of parental involvement, namely (1) parenting education, (2) communication, (3) volunteering, (4) learning at home, (5) making decisions and (6) working with the community.

Early Childhood Education, Transformation, Islamic values, ethnography

Character Education for Early Year Children


Aniek Sugiyanti, Sri Rahayuningsih, Waluyo Basuki

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Aniek Sugiyanti


Science learning in early childhood is very important to develop all aspects of child development. Learning about science will encourage children to be more creative and critical, but based on our exploration study, there are some problems in science learning. The most crucial problem is the lack of teacher competence in teaching science that is appropriate to children development. Story and Science Experiment to Develop Scientific Attitude of Children is a model to solve that problem. Story in this model is a short story which describes the process of science. Science experiment is an activity doing by the children to practice the process of science. A scientific attitude can be defined as way of viewing things, a curiosity to know how and why things happen with an open mind and governed by facts. There are six scientific attitudes that are developed in this model, they are curiosity, creativity, problem solving, confidence, environmental awareness, and cooperation. This model has twenty stories and science experiments, they are written in 20 flip charts. This model was tried out on 100 Kindergarten respondents, that are divided into experiment and control group. The result of this try out showed that, this model was effective to develop scientific attitude. Based on t independent test, the t value is 12,511 with the p-value 0,000. Because of the p-value 0,000 <  (0,05), so it could be concluded that there is a significant deference of scientific attitude between experiment and control group after using Story and Science Experiment to Develop Scientific Attitude of Children Model. This model has been implemented in some Early Childhood Education Institutions in Central Java.

Keywords: Story, Science Experiment, Developing Scientific attitude, Early Childhood Education

Character Education for Early Year Children


Swimming and Character Development in Early Childhood Education
Muchamad Arif Al Ardha, Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Chung Bing Yang

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Muchamad Arif Al Ardha

Department of Physical Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Physical Education, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan

Character development in early childhood education is an essential part. Moreover, it needs to be emphasized in every teaching and learning activities, because children learn the value and character anytime through their experience and understanding from the surrounding. In swimming, children are motivated to be a risk-taker and independence. However, it This study aims to inquire the effect of swimming toward character development in early childhood. It is a qualitative study which was conducted by using natural observation procedure. The research subjects were four swimming coaches, seven parents and nine children in 4 to 6 years old. The data were gathered by interview, students observation and documentation. The result, there are self-confidence, self-regulation, and self-passion in every children after participating the swimming class. Moreover, swimming does not only influence their character development but also motor development.

swimming; character development; early childhood education

Character Education for Early Year Children


The application of character values of love, discipline and honesty in children aged 4-6 years
Kristianingsih (a), Adhimas Wahyu Agung Wijaya (b)

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Kristianingsih Kristianingsih

School of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
School of Education, The University of Queensland

This study aims to describe: (1) the application of love, discipline, and honesty values in children aged 4-6 years and (2) the supporting and inhibiting factors for the application of three character values in children aged 4-6 years in Kanisius Kotabaru Kindergarten, Yogyakarta. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was done through interviews, observation and documentation. The data were validated using triangulation between participation, documentation, observation, and interview. The results of the study are (1) How to apply the value of love, discipline, and honesty that is by habituating, exemplary, environmental conditioning, and increasing awareness of the behaviour and speech guiding that is done (a) The application of the value of love is seen in each before and after the activity through pray. The application of love also can be found through children weekly devotion/ PIA (Pendampingan Iman Anak) activities every Saturday. Furthermore, the love value is applied through giving and returning greetings, helping others who seem distressed, listening to the teachers reprimand when children make mistakes, children are willing to give and apologize. Children also keeping in care school facilities, care for school pets, and care for school plants. (b) Application of the value of discipline that is when children comply with school rules, respect the rights of others, and be polite. (c) Application of honest values that is when the words of the child are in accordance with the actions of the child and are sporty when the child is playing games. (2) The supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the character values are as follows :(a) good communication between teachers and parents, enabling environment (learning process is conducive), adequate facilities (chapel/praying room available, playing zone, fence available). (b) inhibiting factors are parenting style and inadequate number of teachers

early childhood, character education, love, discipline, honesty, application character values, early childhood in Indonesia

Character Education for Early Year Children



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Zuraida Murdia Hamdie


Adaro Foundation has conducted Early Childhood Education (ECE) Quality Enhancement Program from 2017 – 2018 in the operational area of Adaro Group (South and Central Kalimantan) with focus on Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE). The Program involved 63 ECE schools selected from 128 ones assessed with tight parameter by Adaro Foundation together with its partner, Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF). The program is implemented by IHF for 3 years under Adaro Foundation-s supervision. At least 2 teachers from selected ECE schools were trained intensively to understand and be ready to implement CBHE. The teachers- performance change were measured using 14 indicators divided into 5 levels of ECE management performance improvement category. Monitoring result shows that even though almost all program outputs have been delivered in the forms of teachers capacity building (100%), learning facility support (75%), and facilitating ECE community (100%), 28,57% teachers were not able to understand CBHE concept and how to teach it. The inefficiency of this program was also contributed by parents- and elementary school teachers- opinion that ECE students should be able to read, write, and count (14,29%), internal conflicts (6,35%), lack of learning facilities (6,35%), the influence of local community and culture (6,35%), the trained teachers quit or were moved (4,76%), and teachers- expectation for incentive (3,17%). There were 78% ECE schools which successfully raised to level 5, 17% to level 4, while only 5% raised to level 3. By using the tight monitoring system with measured parameter and indicator, Adaro Foundation could evaluate the program from the previous year and formulate improvement steps which focused on each ECE schools.

Early Childhood Education, Character Education, Character-Based Holistic Education, Corporate Social Responsibility, Program Implementation Monitoring

Character Education for Early Year Children


The Effect of Story Telling Activity on the Social Caring Character
Luthfatun Nisa

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Luthfatun Nisa

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura

This study was to determine if the pre and post story telling activity of the social caring character could improve the character when the stories of the social caring character were read to kindergarten children. The story telling activity focused on the caring behaviour especially to improve the attitude was investigated. The stories of social caring character were read to children using pop-up story book for experiment group (N = 40). The control group (N = 40) learn the caring character with no stories but with conversing. The perfomance a quasi experimental design, with nonequivalent control group design was used to data analyze. The result indicated that story telling activity of social caring character to treatment group significantly improved social caring character. A paired sample t-test score was significant (0.000<0.05) on the social caring aspect. The conclusion was story telling actvity of social caring character could influence the behavior of children-s social caring character.

character education, social caring, story telling, preschool

Character Education for Early Year Children


The Implementation of Contextual Character Education with Kulababong Spirit using PAUD HI concept in Sikka District, East Nusa Tenggara
Indasari, Saskia R., Ekaristi H Tyas., Hendrian

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saskia rosita indasari

Wahana Visi Indonesia

This study aims to analyse the application of contextual character education (CCE) with the spirit of Kulababong. Kulababong is a noble spirit of people in Sikka which contains the main values ​​of tolerance and responsibility. The spirit of Kulababong implemented in the core elements that exist in holistic and integrative PAUD (PAUD HI) included education, health and nutrition, child protection and welfare. These schools are part of the intervention area program of Wahana Visi Indonesia. This study was conducteded using mixed method. The quantitative approach was carried out through a survey using a random sampling technique to students and teachers from 21 intervened schools. While qualitative method were carried out through interview and learning evaluation with the tutors/teachers. The result of the study asserted that the spirit of Kulababong (includes tolerance and responsibility) is done through: (a) developing lesson plan that includes these local values (78% of PAUD teachers developed a lesson plan that consist Kulababong spirit) (N = 23, 95% CI, 61.1% -94.9%), (b) learning activities in schools that enhance the development of these local values, (c) the use of various locally and contextual teaching aids/medias, and (d) the involvement of parents in supporting learning facilities and early detection of child growth and development at home. Using this spirit, it seems that teachers be more confidents in teaching and children are encourage to be more active to participate in learning activities.

Contextualized Character education, holistic and integrative PAUD

Character Education for Early Year Children


The Position of Significant Others Towards the Formation of a Childs Self-Concept
Syarifah Halifah (a*), Nurhakki Anshar (b)

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Syarifah Halifah

(a) IAIN Pare-Pare, Sulawesi Selatan
(b) IAIN Pare-Pare, Sulawesi Selatan

This study examines how significant others perceptions and positions on the formation of childrens self-concept, and how the childs self-concept in Latimojong Village. The approach in this study uses the phenomenology approach to get a picture of communication behavior related to perception, describe according to the meaning of the subject and a thorough description based on the focus of the study while the significant others in this study are mothers and PAUD teachers. The results of research on the description of the childs self-concept based on the perception of the mother as a significant others ie mothers tend to have negative perceptions compared to positive perceptions including physical, psychological perceptions perceived by character came (fussy and spoiled), and children are more dominant having positive stimuli from peers and the media than the mother while social perception is passiritan (shy), so early children are prone to experiencing negative Pygmalion effects due to the influence of negative mothers perception as a significant other. Furthermore, the significant position of others tends to use the nickname of the reproach of children as a joke, using behavioral discipline and emotional control through promises, using instructions rather than persuasion and reactive to mistakes (labeling bingo or stupid) and less responsive to positive behavior of children. So overall the role of parents and teachers has not been significant, so the importance of nature-based approaches.

Self-concept; significant others; Early childhood

Character Education for Early Year Children


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